Nick Hall and The Table Coalition Share Their Tips On Reaching Your City For Jesus
What holds you back from sharing the Gospel? The Table Coalition, led by Nick Hall, wants to come alongside you to make it easier to become a city reacher. The Table Coalition, formerly Mission America Coalition, reaches cities by encouraging evangelistic expressions. Read on to find out more about Nick Hall, why it’s important to share Jesus with others, and 5 ways to reach your city.
Nick Hall: Called to Share the Gospel
Here’s why Nick Hall is passionate about The Table Coalition.
Nick knew he was called to evangelism from a young age. While in college, he rallied with friends who, like him, felt disheartened by the brokenness on their campus. They started a prayer group to ask for God’s intervention in their city. Then, in 2004 his English professor assigned a business proposal for a change they wanted to see on their campus. Nick Hall passed copies of his paper around to other students on campus, rallying them to share the Gospel and offer hope in Jesus. This led to more prayer groups across the school, then regional outreach gatherings, and finally to a local outreach that gathered 8,000 students. 1,200 people responded to the Gospel. Through this success, God affirmed Nick Hall’s call to evangelism. By 2006, Pulse was born.
Today, Pulse brings the Gospel to the next generation. To date, 330 million people have heard God's Word through Nick Hall. Over 2 million people have said ‘yes’ to Jesus through Pulse and other evangelistic events where Nick Hall spoke.
People need the hope of the Gospel
It’s critical we make sharing the Gospel a regular part of Christian living. Like Nick Hall experienced on his college campus, people today are hurting. More than 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. suffer from a mental illness. Over 20% of youth ages 13-18 face a high level of mental illness, and 1 in 25 adults struggle with a mental illness that has serious effects on their lives.
Add to this a concern about the higher levels of addiction among GenZ compared to other generations. Often people who struggle with mental illness self-medicate with drugs or alcohol.
As believers in Jesus, we look to Him for stability in the midst of the problems we face. That’s why Nick Hall, President of the Table Coalition, focuses on helping people learn to share Jesus in a variety of ways. They take Matthew 9:38 seriously. This verse talks about praying to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers to the harvest fields to offer hope to people in desperate need of a Savior.
Evangelism: A normal activity in Christian living
Nick Hall wants people to begin sharing about Jesus and make it normal as it has been in the past. Not everyone has the calling of Billy Graham or Luis Palau, but all of us can share Jesus Christ in our current season or stage of life. It’s this passion for evangelism that drew Nick Hall to join The Table Coalition and become its current president.
In light of the timeless need for the Gospel, how does one begin reaching a city for Jesus? Christian thought leader Nick Hall and The Table Coalition are on a mission to bring together pastors and other leaders committed to reaching their cities for Jesus. Below, find 5 ways to start becoming a city reacher in your community.
5 ways to reach your city
1. Prayer
According to theologian Matthew Henry: “When God intends to do great mercy for his people, the first thing he does is sets them a-praying.” And in 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Nick Hall and The Table Coalition believe in prayer to seed a region like North America for the harvest. History bears witness to this. One famous story focuses on Evan Roberts, who led student prayer groups in Wales in 1904-1905 that grew into a revival where thousands turned to Jesus. In the Hebrides, an island off the northwest coast of Scotland, 2 elderly women prayed for revival and were joined by others who interceded for God to come upon their island. God answered! This revival continued from 1949-1952 with hundreds of salvations.
The same God who moved in prayer during that time still moves among us today and wants to respond to our prayers. To reach a city begins by praying for that city, which Nick Hall and his colleagues at The Table Coalition firmly believe.
2. Shine a light in dark places
In the Midwest, 2 women prayed about how they could help other women in an industry known for mistreatment of women and girls. They established a ministry where they connected with these women face-to-face. Each month, these women hear the Gospel through the words and actions of ministry volunteers. On one occasion, one of the women they ministered to responded to a volunteer. Convicted, she decided to find a more God-honoring way to make a living for herself and her 2 children. A pastor and a small group of believers came around her and her kids for several years, providing housing along with spiritual, emotional, and financial support until the family could live on their own.
Stories like this became possible when city reachers like the ones at The Table Coalition come together to bring the light of the Gospel to the darkest corners of our cities and nation in person or even through social media platforms.
In dark places, it only takes a small light to make a big difference. Like it says in Matthew 5:16, “...let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Nick Hall and The Table Coalition believe that people can impact their cities by going into the places where people need Jesus most.
3. Learn to love everyone
This point is similar to the second one: People in the church need to learn to love everyone without judgment. We serve a merciful and compassionate God. The members of The Table Coalition and Nick Hall want to make God’s love known among the nations. We have our example in Jesus, who spent time around lost and broken people. Jesus welcomed everyone.
When Jesus gave the parable of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son in Luke 15, He was reminding us of the radical love of God. He loves people despite how they vote, how they think about justice, and how they think about Him. Oftentimes, people don’t know another way to live–they are living what they know. They need to hear someone say, “There is more for you in Jesus.”
Jesus never said go into the world and “play it safe.” He went to the cross to show the extent of His love. Nick Hall and The Table Coalition members say, let’s make it our mission to point people to Jesus and Him alone.
4. Download the Make Jesus Known training and share it with your church or ministry.
The Table Coalition President Nick Hall and his team created a free 4-week evangelism training that explains how to make evangelism a lifestyle. Designed primarily for GenZ, anyone can use the training to learn how to share Jesus organically in their spheres of influence.
Make Jesus Known shows how our personal relationship with Jesus, our lifestyle, and the conversations we have play a role in sharing faith. Viewers will come away encouraged that evangelism is accessible to everyone.
The content includes videos led by Nick Hall, a leader guide with a teaching script, questions for small-group discussion, presentation slides, and shareable social media content. Download it today and see how the content will encourage your evangelism!
Download the Make Jesus Known training
5. Join The Table Coalition
The Table Coalition led by Nick Hall is a national association of 350 ministries across the nation who meet in local table gatherings to collaborate on ideas to reach their cities. The group also receives monthly newsletters and meets for a video prayer call each week. By joining The Table Coalition and networking with others, God can birth new ministries and evangelism initiatives to make Jesus known across the nation. Nick Hall and The Table Coalition welcome you today!
And, if you want to locate and connect with other table reachers in your area, The Table Coalition can help facilitate that. Table gatherings will help you establish synergy in your evangelistic pursuits. Fill out the form below and we’ll help you reach others with whom you can network.